CONTACT US for registration or call us at our Hotline +8801772803803.

Once you register yourself at and put up your products, be sure to prepare yourself for a great number of orders. MEGA I SHOP promotes your goods all over Bangladesh to facilitate growth in your sales. And guess what? MEGA I SHOP gives its buyers various options when it comes to modes of payments so you don’t have to worry about chasing customers for missed payments. MEGA I SHOP does all the work for you. All you have to do is put up your add on and keep up with the constant flow of orders from all over Bangladesh.

To upload your product pls follow the steps or call at our hotline for help:
1. Click on REGISTER/LOG IN button

2. Click on ADD PRODUCT button from left panel

3. Provide the PRODUCT NAME field with in 4 to 5 words

4. Provide the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION field- by 300 words

5. Select the CATEGORIES FROM from right panel where the product set in.

6. Provide the PRODUCT TAGS from right panel – help to find in browser

7. ADD PRODUCT IMAGE from right panel by 200kb -(preferable .PNG or .JPG format and not less than width 250 X height 300 pixel)

8. Add feature product image of not more than width 250 X height 300 pixel for home page- (better edit with Microsoft Paint)

9. Click PUBLISH button from upper right panel